List of Negated Binary Relations Symbols in LaTeX

In LaTeX, the negated binary relations symbols are used to express the negation or negated version of common binary operations. These symbols are essentials in mathematical logic, set, theory and other mathematical context to represent relationships between elements.

The list of commonly used negated binary relations symbols in LaTeX are given below.

Symbol LaTeX Command Description
\ncong Not congruent to
\napprox Not approximately equal to
\nasymp Not asymptotically equal to
\nsim Not similar to
\nequiv Not equivalent to
\nlessgtr Not less/greater than
\ngtrless Not greater/less than
\ngeqslant Not greater than or equal to
\nleqslant Not less than or equal to
\nprec Not precedes
\nsucc Not succeeds
\nsubset Not a subset of
\nsupset Not a superset of
\nsubseteq Not a subset of or equal to
\nsupseteq Not a superset of or equal to
\nvdash Does not imply
\nvDash Not models
\nVdash Not forces
\nVDash Not triple bar
\ntriangleleft Does not contain as left member
\ntriangleright Does not contain as right member
\nprec Not precedes
\nsucc Not succeeds
\npreceq Not precedes or equals
\nsucceq Not succeeds or equals
\nsubseteq Not subset or equal
\nsupseteq Not superset or equal
\nsubseteq Not subset or equal
\nsupseteq Not superset or equal