List of Binary Operators Symbols in LaTeX
In LaTeX, binary operators are symbols used to perform binary operations on mathematical expression and performing operations on operands.
A binary operator typically takes two operands, one on the left and another on right side of the symbol and combines them to produce a result.
The commonly used binary operators symbols in LaTeX is given below.
Symbol | LaTeX Command | Description |
± | \pm | Plus or Minus |
∓ | \mp | Minus or plus |
× | \times | Multiply |
÷ | \div | Divided |
∗ | \ast | Asterisk |
⋆ | \star | Star |
† | \dagger | Dagger |
‡ | \ddagger | Double dagger |
∩ | \cap | Set intersection |
∪ | \cup | Set union |
⊎ | \uplus | Multiset union |
⊓ | \sqcap | Squared cap |
⊔ | \sqcup | Squared cup |
⋁ | \vee | N-ary logical or |
⋀ | \wedge | N-ary logical and |
⋅ | \cdot | Centered dot |
⋄ | \diamond | Diamond |
△ | \bigtriangleup | Big triangle up |
▽ | \bigtriangledown | Big triangle down |
◃ | \triangleleft | Triangle left |
▹ | \triangleright | Triangle right |
◯ | \bigcirc | Big circle |
• | \bullet | Bullet |
≀ | \wr | Wreath product |
⊕ | \oplus | Circled plus |
⊖ | \ominus | Circled minus |
⊗ | \otimes | Circled times |
⊘ | \oslash | Circled division |
⊙ | \odot | Circled dot |
○ | \circ | Small circle |
∖ | \setminus | Set minus |
⨿ | \amalg | Amalgamation |